what pets will we sit for?
.. whatever your pet we can provide a sitter
Pet and Property Sitters are able to provide care for a wide range of animals including those who are rescued, elderly, blind, deaf, ill, with personality 'quirks' or who have any other special requirements even if that just means some extra tlc! The list includes:
Dogs - large or small, puppies or pooches, fit or in need of tlc, shy or cheeky!
Cats - kittens or elders needing a little tlc, indoor or outdoor, moggies or pedigrees, one attention seeking puss or a house full!
Rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchilla - from children's much loved friends to multiple rescues
Parrots, budgies - basic care to fresh chopped fruit and lots of attention
Hens, ducks, geese, turkeys - in small or higher numbers within reason!
Livestock - sheep, cattle, goats, pigs
And the rest - indoor and outdoor fish, snakes, spiders, lizards, tortoise, hedgehogs
If you have a pet that is not mentioned in the list above please do not hesitate to give us a call as we may well have a sitter with relevant experience or one who is willing to learn!