book a pet sitter
Wednesday, 10th September 2014 at 11:44 AM
If you are looking to book a pet sitter the process is easy with Pet and Property Sitters. During our initial chat we will get an idea of the sort of person you had in mind when decided that you wanted to book a pet sitter and will match you with a sitter who we think you suit you perfectly. We will then ask you to fill in our booking form so that we can get the information we need to book a pet sitter for you. We will then arrange a prelim visit so that you can be sure that you book a pet sitter you and your pets gel with. Once we have confirmed you are all happy to go ahead we will confirm your booking for you, giving you the peace of mind to go away without worrying about your much loved pets.
For more details about how to book a pet sitter please click here.